Schemaändringar i VM – semifinaldag flyttas fram
Det var först planerat att semifinaler i damklass och i herrarnas A-klass skulle ha gått nu på fredag. Men ny information från det internationella förbundet gör gällande att dessa klasser har flyttats till torsdag istället.
Så här skriver IFMA på sin facebooksida.
Change to the Master Competition Schedule!!
Please take note of this important announcement.
The Master Competition Schedule has been amended as follows:
1. All Senior A (Male & Female) Semi-Final bouts have been moved from 27th MAY to be on 26th MAY.
2. All Senior B Final bouts have been moved from 26th MAY to be on 27th MAY.
3. All Junior Female Semi-Final bouts have been moved from 26th MAY to be on 25th MAY.
4. All Junior Male 16-17 Final bouts have been moved from 26th MAY to be on 27th MAY.
Please find attached the Amended Master Competition Schedule.”