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Information in english

On this site you’ll find information about the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation, membership and annual meetings. You’ll also find a glossary of common words used in associations and a list of frequently asked questions.

If you wish for more information (in Swedish) you’ll find it here:

För föreningar inom SB&K

Glossary: Association democratic

Getting a hang of associations and how they work is hard as it is, add to that learning about associations in a different language = Puh! On this site we’ve listed some of the most common words used within Swedish associations, hopefully it can make it a bit easier to understand what means what. 

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Frequently asked questions

Here we have listed some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive at the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation. Iyou have a question, hopefully you will find the answer here. 

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Training session at Riai Aikido in Gothenburg 2018. Photo: Nicklas Elmrin/Bildbyrån.

The application process 

Do your association wish to apply for membership to the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation? Here you’ll find instructions on how to apply and what requirements that need to be fulfilled before applying.

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Welcome letter 

New member at the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation? Welcome! In this welcome letter we have gathered some bits and pieces about the federation for you and your association.

Welcome letter

Welcome to the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Confederation!

The Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Confederation (SB&K) is a specialist sports confederation that is a
member of the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF). SB&K is divided into 19 different subconfederations (UF) and 7 specialist district confederations (SDF). Which sub-association and district
your association belongs to depends on which sports the association conducts and which place of
residence you have. On our website you will find a list of all the federation's sub-confederations and
specialised district confederations. To get a clearer picture of SB&K, there is also an organisational
map of the confederation. You can also use it to create your own organisational map of your
On our website you will find useful and practical information as well as tips for sports associations that
are members of SB&K. For example, an association will conduct an annual meeting every year and to
facilitate the board's work prior to that, we have developed both a quick tutorial with things to consider
prior to the annual meeting and a guide for how the meeting should be conducted. On the website you
will also find instructions on how to change the name of the association, or if you as an association
want to terminate your membership with us at the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Confederation. On the
website you will also find templates and support materials that you can use for e.g. development of
the association.

Membership fees
Another important thing to remember is when the membership fees to SB&K, UF and SDF should be
paid by. It is important for you as an association to have the right to vote at the annual meetings of the
confederation and because the membership will otherwise be automatically terminated. On our
website you will find a list of membership fees within the confederation. To avoid forgetting to pay the
fees in a timely manner, we suggest that you use an annual wheel. Feel free to use the annual wheel
to register other things that will happen during the year in your association, perhaps for competitions,
meetings or trainings. Here you will find an example of an annual wheel.

We in the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Confederation offer several different trainings for our
members. On our website you will find a list of which trainings are available, when they are organised
and what you do to register. The Swedish Sports Confederation’s training organisation, SISU Sports
Trainers (SISU), also offer training and support for associations. Both RF and SISU have regional
operations. Please contact RF and SISU in the district your association belongs to, in order to get
information about what trainings they offer. Not sure which district your association belongs to? Here
you will find a list of all RF and SISU districts.

Financial support
As an association within the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Confederation, you also have the
opportunity to apply for various financial contributions. On our website you will find a list and
descriptions of current financial and project supports that can be applied for.

All members of an association that have membership with the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts
Confederation are insured for accidents when they carry out the association's activities. On our
website you will find more information about the insurance.

Anything you are wondering about? Perhaps you will find the answer in our list of answers to
frequently asked questions, our FAQ.

How to contact the confederation
You are also welcome to contact us at the offices of the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Confederation.
Here you will find contact information for the staff at the office.

Once again, we wish you welcome as a member association in the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts

Guidelines for annual meetings

Are you a board member and in charge of arranging the annual meeting? Or a member solely wanting to attend but uncertain on what an annual meeting really is? Either way, here you will find both a tutorial for preparing as well as a guide for attending an annual meeting. 

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