Alan do Nascimento vann Folkets pris – guldtsuban
- I’m happy for this prize, especially when you are chosen by the people. That’s priceless, säger Alan do Nascimento till budokampsport.se
Alan blev överraskad över utmärkelsen och extra rörd då det var folket som röstat fram honom till pristagare av årets Folkets pris guldtsuban.
– I confess that I was surprised when I heard my name. Accomplishments in life is always great when happens and of course I’m happy for this prize, especially when you are chosen by the people. That’s priceless, säger Alan.
Han tror och hoppas att folk röstade på honom för det han har presterat som idrottare och som ledare och att hans resa till toppen, som inte alltid varit enkel, inspirerat andra.
– I believe that it is a lot of facts that I can think of that could make people vote for me, but the ones that I can believe that made it happen is that I have been accomplishing good results in what I do. As an athlete, as a trainer and as a leader. People that I have with me they know, and they feel my loyalty towards them and also they recognize what I have been overcoming along the journey. That´s probably what have inspired them. So it may be those reasons why they voted for me, säger Alan.
Alan vill passa på att tacka alla de som tillsammans med honom har gjort hans karriär möjlig och tillägger att det är viktigt att komma ihåg att man alltid kommer behöva andra människor för att nå framgång, man är alltid ett team.
– I believe that one of the important parts of being able to accomplish big things in martial arts, is that you need to understand that you will always need people. In my case it couldn’t be different. That’s why I would like to thank everyone who have been a part of my life in and out of the martial arts. My Teamwork is big and strong and I have so many people doing things for me that’s hard to even express. My family, my BJJ students and my team, the Allstars gym, my sponsors HE fitness, Shoyoroll, Fightpharm and vigoour8. Thank you all for the support and believe, avslutar Alan.
SB&K vill än en gång passa på att säga – STORT GRATTIS!
Text: Annie Bondefelt
Foto: Arkivbild/Hamid Ershad Sarabi