• Please decide in plenty of time when you plan to hold your annual meeting, so that
you have time to prepare properly. Information about when you need to call the
annual meeting by can be found in your statutes. Hint! An annual wheel can facilitate the
planning of the business and make it easier to remember important dates, such as the date of
the annual meeting. On our website you will find a suggestion of what an annual wheel might
look likea.
• Write minutes at your board meetings. Prior to the annual meeting, you must submit
both board minutes and your financial statements to the association's auditors. Hint!
By continuously submitting reports to the auditors during the year, you facilitate their work and
give them better insight into your business. It allows them to raise the alarm if something is
not right.
• Inform the nominating committee which persons within the current board have
assignments that end at the upcoming annual meeting. Find out if they want to run
again or if the nominating committee must work on finding other candidates for the
various board assignments. The nominating committee presents its proposal for new
and re-elected ordinary members at the annual meeting. Hint! If the board and the
nominating committee have a close and ongoing dialogue, it is usually easier for the
nominating committee to get an idea of which competences and assignments need to be
appointed at the next annual meeting. The more accurate the descriptions of assignments
are, the easier it is to find candidates.
• Discuss any motions that arrive for the annual meeting and write an opinion from the
board for each received motion. Send out motions and opinions to your members in
plenty of time (according to your statutes) before the annual meeting. Hint! Please
emphasise that members can submit motions at any time during the year, and not only in
connection with the annual meeting.
• Discuss and prepare any suggestions for changes from you as the board. Write down
these as propositions and present them to the members in plenty of time (according
to your statutes) before the annual meeting.
• You will also need to prepare other presentations for the annual meeting. In the next
section, you can read about what information and documents are involved.