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The application process

How do you as an association apply for membership with the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation (SB&K)?  

Step 1 - Choose a name

Start by checking that the association’s name meets the naming rules that exist within the sporting discipline and SB&K. On our website you will find information about the naming rules that apply. Does the name of your association match the naming rules? Good, move on to the next step.

If not, your association should start by changing the name so that it meets the naming rules. On our website you will find information on how to rename your association.

Step 2 – Hold an annual meeting

Good, now that you know that the association’s name is in accordance with the naming rules, you need to hold an annual meeting where you decide to apply for membership with the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation. In the application to us, you need to submit the minutes of the annual meeting where that decision was made and the associations’ statutes. Remember that the minutes must be signed.

If you are an association to be formed, it must also be decided which statutes the association should have. One tip is to start from a template developed by the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF). Not sure how to hold an annual meeting? On our website you will find a guide on how to conduct an annual meeting.

Have you already had your annual meeting and decided to apply for membership and statutes are available? Good, then you can move on to step 3.

Step 3 – Make an application through RF

Now that both a decision to apply for membership is made and we have your statutes at the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation, you can start your application for membership. You can do this via the Swedish Sports Confederation’s digital form.

Is the association or has it previously been affiliated with a special sports confederation within RF? If so, enter your organisation number and click on the magnifying glass and your data will be retrieved automatically. You also need to submit information about an approved or acceptable instructor within your association. It is usually the person who is the main instructor or coach within the association. You can enter information about that person and their qualifications under “Other information” in the form. Later on it is the sub-association responsible for each sport with us who decides whether the instructor is approved or not.

When all these details and attachments are ready and you have submitted your application, you can sit back and wait for feedback from us. One tip is to keep track of the email address you provided for the person responsible for your application. We will submit feedback to that address.

Step 4 – The application is processed

When we at the confederation have received your application, we will first send you a confirmation that it has been received. We will then review the attachments and information that you have submitted in your application. If there are any questions or parts that need to be supplemented, we will get back to you.

When an application is complete and approved by us at the main association, we pass it on to the sub-federation or sub-federations and the special sports district federation to which your association will belong, so they can approve your application. The sub-federations and the special sports district federations have a processing time of up to four weeks.

How long a process takes depends partly on whether you need to supplement something in your application, and partly on how many applications we have to process at the same time. However, our hope is that an application that is complete will be processed and approved within 8 weeks.

Step 5 – Pay the membership fees

We will notify you as soon as we at the main confederation as well as sub-federations and special sports district federations have approved your application. After that, you need to come back with the association’s membership numbers and pay the membership fees for the federation, sub-federation(s) and the special sports district.

On our website you will find information about the specific membership fees. After you have paid the fees that we can officially approve your application and forward that information to the Swedish Sports Confederation.

Step 6 – Approval from RF

When we at SB&K have approved your application and communicated it to the Swedish Sports Confederation, it is their turn to approve you as members. You will receive their confirmation by email.

Step 7 – Welcome!

We welcome your association to the Swedish Budo & Martial Arts Federation! Here on our website you will find a welcome letter with tips and information. A warm welcome!